Greenport HouseGarden
April and May 2023 Backyard Pictures

Going clockwise. Click on image to get full-size image.

Deck bed: Hydrangea, ?, Mountain Laurel, fern, chives, Wallflower. ALL REMOVED. In its place will be a meadow garden.

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Lilac. Past its prime and blocking view from reading nook. REMOVED

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Forsythia. Way past its prime and blocking view from reading nook. REMOVED

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Yew. When the fence is moved back 22", it will be sitting out in the yard. REMOVED

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Yew. Apple. Then more forsythia. Fence is 22" onto my property.

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Forsythia. REMOVED.

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Black Walnut. Gets 100-130' tall.

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Eastern Red Cedar.

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Flowering Plum. Will get too big for the spot. Will block all sun to that corner. Was being stressed by the Juglone from the black walnut. Had aphid infestation. REMOVED. Also gravel removed.

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Iris in front of shed. With Lady's Thumb. Will be in way of shed reconstruction.

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Raised bed of Spearmint with Thyme in corner. It is in the way of access to the bicycle part of the shed. Anyone can have some mint. Can soil be used elsewhere? REMOVE.

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Lily-of-the-Valley. I do have a garlic mustard problem.

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Weigela, Weigela Florida. Height 6-10 feet. Spread 9-12 feet. Full sun. REMOVED.

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Sycamore Maple.

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Rose of Sharon. Two at right REMOVED.

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