Christopher & Thomas Burns (The Burns Bros) at 518 First Street: 1888 - c.1900

Southold Long Island Traveler: April 1, 1887

Southold Traveler 1887 04 01 p06

Burns Bros. are doing a rushing business in their horse shoeing establishment. Good workmanship and close attention to business will always merit patronage. [The house was built shortly after this.]

Brooklyn Daily Eagle: December 21, 1894

Brooklyn Daily Eagle 1894 12 21 p07

Greenport to Have Sewers.
(Special to the Eagle.)
Greenport, L.I., December 21—The Greenport sewerage commission has to-day begun laying sewer pipes for the entire length of Front street, beginning at the corner of Main and extending to some distance west of Fifth avenue. The contract for digging and filling trenches was awarded to Messrs. Burns Bros. of Greenport. Main street and Bay avenue have already been piped for sewerage, and no doubt the entire village will soon enjoy a like priviledge.

Christopher Burns in Politics, in Brooklyn and Southold:
The Brooklyn Daily Eagle: September 14, 1892: Page 6

The Frank J. White Democratic club of the Eleventh ward organized at 197 Willoughby street [Brooklyn] last Monday evening 
and elected the following officers: Christopher J. Burns, president; ...

Times Union: March 22, 1897: Page 7

Strife At Conventions
Gold Democrats Leave the Southold Primary.
A Lively Scene Presented
Following are the nominations made: ... Inspectors of Election: Fourth District, Christopher J. Burns

The Standard Union: July 21, 1899: Page 7

The Frank Fields Association, a social organization of the Eleventh ward, gave its first annual afternoon and 
evening seaside festival yesterday at Stauch's Iron Pier, Coney Island.... Christopher Burns ...

These first two could be a different business.

Riverhead County Review: April 23, 1925
The name of the judgment debtor is first given.
Buckley, Elizabeth &ano -- Burns Bros., $379.95

Riverhead County Review: April 2, 1942
The name of the judgment debtor is first given.
William H. Wurster -- Burns Bros., $70.80

Many more judgments in The Brooklyn Daily Eagle from 1902-1912

The Brooklyn Daily Eagle: Sat, Mar 2, 1895

Brooklyn Daily Eagle 1895 03 02


It Started Down the Island and Wound Up in Brooklyn.

A sensational scene took place at the residence of Michael Garvey, a well known produce merchant of Brooklyn, a day or so ago. Mr. Garvey lives at 163 Fort Greene place. The principals in the scene were Miss Frances E. Haggerty, the sister-in-law of Garvey, and a young man from the eastern end of Long Island named Christopher Burns. About two years ago Burns, an enterprising young mechanic, who lives at Greenport, met Miss Haggerty and being invited to visit her at her home did so. He was cordially greeted at the farm house at Cutchogue, a scattering farming district some nine miles from the village of Greenport. Carriage rides followed and the couple fell in love. People talked and Miss Haggerty was finally asked by her mother if she intended keeping company with Burns. She replied that she did, whereupon her mother entered objection. The young woman wrote her lover to the effect that they would be obliged to meet on the sly for a short time. They met clandestinely at Riverhead and elsewhere and soon, in spite of strategy, the gossips were busy again. In the latter part of March, 1894, they became engaged and it was quietly arranged that they should be married about Thanksgiving time. Sickness in the family forced a postponement and after many letters and secret plans Monday, February 25, 1895, was appointed as the wedding day. Miss Haggerty was to arrange a visit to her sister, the wife of Garvey, in Brooklyn, but it was understood that she was to take the noon train at Greenport. The young woman was completely unnerved at the state of affairs and finally ended by leaving Cutchogue and coming to the Garveys at 163 Fort Greene place, after leaving a letter at the post office, addressed to her lover, saying that her health was broken down by fear of her people and that they must wait for a few weeks for her to regain her strength. Burns at once took the train to Garvey's home. He walked in upon the family and told the whole story. Hysterics followed. Mrs. Garvey was much agitated. She was assisted from the room by her husband, who had been sent for at his place of business.

That afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Garvey escorted Miss Haggerty back to her mother's home in Cutchogue. Burns went to Greenport alone.

Before the party left the Garvey house, Miss Haggerty agreed to meet Burns at the Bedford station in time to take the 3:30 train for Greenport, where they were to be married, but the Garveys interfered and she accompanied them to the Flatbush avenue depot.

Times Union: March 8, 1898

Times Union 1898 03 08 p6


New Members Initiated at the Final Gathering of the Season

GREENPORT, March 8.—The last chowder party and smoker of the Sterling Athletic Club for the present season was held Saturday night in the clubrooms, on Main Street. About fifty members were present, and at 9 o'clock Caterer Henry Savage announced that the chowder was ready to be served. The tables were set in the gymnasium, and the committee in charge were Henry Savage, Everett Rogers and A. W. Tuthill. President Charles Boerum made a speeh after the eating, as did Messrs. Oliver Smith, Vice President W. W. Griffin, Capt. Joseph Bracy, Fred Foley, Christopher J. Burns and several others. The most interesting of the evening's exercises was the initiation of the new members by compelling them to circle the horizontal bar. Those who refused to do it unaided were assisted by a detachment of member, who "helped" in the initiation. Those who were initiated were James Cantlon, Mr. Drew, Harry Patterson, Harry Young. To conclude the evening's enjoyment the members indulged in a stag dance.

Brooklyn Times Union: October 6, 1899

Brooklyn Times Union 1899 10 06

GREENPORT, Oct. 6.—The funeral services over the remains of Mrs. Alicia Burns, widow of Thomas Burns, of this village, was conducted in St. Agnes' Church, this morning, the pastor, the Rev. P.J. Farrelly, officiating. Mrs. Burns was 68 years old. After returning from a walk down-town Tuesday afternoon she sat down on the piazza and suddenly expired from heart failure. She leaves four sons, John Burns and Christoper Burns, of Greenport; Thomas Burns, of Brooklyn, and Edward Burns, of Sayville.

The Chat [Brooklyn]: October 5, 1907

The Chat [Brooklyn] 1907 10 05

Christopher Burns sustained a slight scalp wound last Wednesday in an accident at South street and Merrick Road.

Brooklyn Times Union: March 25, 1908

Brooklyn Times Union 1908 03 25


Decides to Dispute No Further the Signature of His Wife to $2,000 Receipt.

RIVERHEAD, March 25.—The contest started by Christopher J. Burns, of Brooklyn, against the estate of Daniel Haggerty has been abandoned. At the time set for the hearing yesterday Burns did not appear and word came from the attorneys that the matter had been settled. Burns disputed the signature of his wife to a receipt for $2,000 which she had given to the executors of her father's estate. Burns had Handwriting Expert Kingsley at Riverhead looking over signatures. After that Burns dropped the case and his attorney, Martin Manton, has consented that a decree be entered according to the account filed by the executors.