The Sherwoods at 518 First Streeet: 1917-1977

The house was owned by John J. Sherwood [b. Apr. 24, 1886 d. Apr. 15 1970] from 1917 until the death of his second wife in 1977. Articles from NY State Historical Newspapers.
The Suffolk Weekly Times: Apr. 07, 1906, Page 7
Star Hose Company, No. 3 -- .. First Assistant Foreman, John Sherwood; ..

The Suffolk Weekly Times: Jan. 23, 1915, Page 1
For the election of officers the Chairman appointed John Sherwood and Otto Van Tuyl as tellers.

John J. Sherwood buys the house
The Suffolk Weekly Times: Apr. 27, 1917, Page 8

Suffolk Weekly Times 1917 04 27 p8

Assistant Postmaster John J. Sherwood has taken possession of the residence on First street owned by Mr. William Markell and Miss Ada Markell, and expects to move into it in a few days. Mr. Sherwood contracted to buy the property several weeks ago and is now making interior improvements including the installation of electric lights by Court Hammond.

The Mattituck Watchman: Nov. 3, 1938, Page 6

Mattituck Watchman 1938 11 03 p6

Mrs. Ida Sherwood, wife of Asistant Postmaster John J. Sherwood of Greenport, is recuperating at the Eastern Long Island Hospital from a major operation and is doing nicely.

Riverhead County Review: December 16, 1943, Page 19

Riverhead County Review 1943 12 16 p02

It was reported at the meeting of the Riverhead Firemen's Association Tuesday night that the Suffolk County Volunteer Firemen's Association had appointed "Smoky Joe" as honorary chairman of its resolutions committee, the acting chairman of which is Assistant Postmaster John J. Sherwood, of Greenport, a past president of the county association.

Riverhead County Review: April 8, 1948, Page 19

Riverhead County Review 1948 04 08 p19


Miss Martha Sherwood of Greenport, a Junior this year at New Paltz State Teachers College, is at present engaged in her on-campus practice teaching assignment. Miss Sherwood is the daughter of Mr and Mrs John Sherwood of 518 First St. She graduated from Greenport High School in 1945.

Riverhead County Review: Oct. 28, 1948, Page 19

Riverhead County Review 1948 10 28 p19


Martha Sherwood, 518 First St, Greenport, particpated in a student production of the comedy drama "Outward Bound" presented by The New Platz Players, dramatic association of New Platz State Teachers College, New Platz, New York, on October 22, 23. A Senior at New Platz, Miss Sherwood was business manager of the production. She is the daughter of Mr. William E Sherwood Jr [Martha's father's half-brother, who may have lived with them at the time], and a graduate of Greenport High School.

Riverhead County Review: February 17, 1949, Page 5B

Riverhead County Review 1949 02 17 p5B

Edith Edwards Church Bride

Edith Helen Edwards, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Edwards of Greenport was married to John Shipman Sherwood, son of Ass't Postmaster and Mrs John J Sherwood of Greenport, Saturday Feb 5, at the Holy Trinity Episcopal Church in Greenport. Rev Thomas Halderman, pastor of the church officiated at the double ring ceremony.

The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a traveling suit of brown gabardine with brown accessories with a corsage of white gardenias.

Eunice Peterson of Greenport, the bride's only attendant, wore a gray gabardine suit with a corsage of pink rose buds and sweet peas. Frederick Gardiner of Greenport acted as best man.

A wedding dinner was held at Sea Shell Inn, Southold immediately following the ceremony.

The bride is a graduate of Greenport High School, St Mary's Childrens Hospital, N Y and St John's Hospital, Brooklyn. During World War II, she served as Lieut in the Army Nurse Corps for two years. At present she is nursing in the Eastern Long Island Hospital, Greenport.

Mr Sherwood served with the U S Marines in the Pacific area and was wounded at Iwo Jima. He is a graduate of Greenport High School and Drake Business School, N Y.

The young couple will make their home at 236 6th Street, Greenport, upon their return.

Images of America: Greenport, by Antonia Booth and Thomas Monsell. Page 84 Images of America Greenport p84
Ringing Bells. The bells rang when Edith Edwards and Jack Sherwood were married at Holy Trinity Lutheran Church in Greenport on February 5, 1949. The best man and matron of honor were Fred Gardiner and Eunice Petersen, who, soon after, were also married. The Sherwoods' reception was held at the old Porky's restaurant, where Warren Bricci worked as bartender, played the violin, and made "the best onion soup in the world."

Riverhead County Review: June 16, 1949, Page 12

Riverhead County Review 1949 06 16 p12

Greenport Girl Gets B E Degree

Miss Martha Sherwood, 518 First St, Greenport, was among one-hundred twenty-nine students to graduate from New Paltz State Teachers College, New Paltz, New York, in the 62nd Annual Commencement ceremonies, Sunday, June 12. She was awarded a Bachelor of Education degree and a New York State elementary teacher's certificate.

During her college career, Miss Sherwood was an active memeber of Women's Glee Club, Music Association, and the New Paltz Players, college dramatic society. In her senior year she held office as president of Delta Psi Omega, national honorary music fraternity.

Miss Sherwood is the daughter of Mr and Mrs John J Sherwood, and a graduate of Greenport High School, Class of '45.

Long Island Traveler - Mattituck Watchman: April 30, 1970, Page 5

Mattituck Watchman 1970 04 30 p5


Mr. John Sherwood of 518 First Street, Greenport died at the Eastern Long Island, Hospital on April 27, 1970. He was born in Stony Brook on April 24, 1886, the son of John and Hattie Williams Sherwood.

Mr Sherwood was in the postal service in Greenport for 52 years and retired as Postmaster there several years ago. He was a 60 year member of the Jr OUAM; one of the oldest members of the First Baptist Church; a life member of State Firemen's Association and Southern New York Firemen's Association; Past President of the North Fork Volunteer Firemen's Association and the Suffolk County Volunteer Firemen's Association; Past President of the New York State Branch of National Association of Postal Supervisors and Chairman of the Village Planning Board.

Besides his wife, the former Louise Oeschsler [he remarried after Ida died], he is survived by a son, Jack Sherwood of Sixth Ave, Greenport and a daughter, Mrs Martha Parrish, Greenport. Five grand children also survive.

On Wednesday evening the members of the Greenport Fire Department conducted services at Horton's Funeral Home at 8 P M. A religious service was held at the First Baptist Church in Greenport on Thursday at 3 P M with Rev John Boyd offiating. Interment was in Sterling Cemetery, Greenport.