Winterberry [Relatively inconspicuous greenish-white flowers appear in the leaf axils in late spring. Flowers, if properly pollinated, give way to a crop of bright red berries (1/4" diameter) in late summer to fall.]
New Jersey Tea [Cylindrical clusters (1-2" long) of tiny, fragrant, white flowers (1/8") appear on long stalks at the stem ends or upper leaf axils in late spring.]
Wild Ginger [Flowers are usually hidden from view by the foliage.]
Foamflower [Tiny, white flowers with very long stamens (foamy texture of stamens results in the common name) appear in airy racemes in spring for about 6 weeks.]
Summersweet or Sweet Pepperbush [Mid to late summer bloom of sweetly fragrant white flowers which appear in narrow, upright panicles (racemes to 2-6" long).]