143 Sixth St, Greenport, NY

A near mirror image of 518 First St. Also built in 1888.
This house is now white with dark green trim. It is not in the historic district.
Architect/builder: Charles Corwin.
Flipped Image of 518 First St. (Click for larger unflipped image)
house picture thumbnail

1977 Picture. From Building Structure Inventory Form.
Note waisting under porch matches 518 First St.
518 First does not have the small window to the left on the second floor front.
This house has a small window alongside the side door. That is a window to under the stairs. A nice touch.
The two front doors have the lite divided. 518 First are single lites. Molding is the same.
This house is higher, as it is closer to the water.
Back side porch has not been enclosed.
Front attic window has different mullion arrangement.
Widen browser window to get best image.

143 6th St 1977

1998 Picture. From Building-Structure Inventory Form.
Porch posts are still original.
Stained glass window on side of the house removed.
Minimal railings added to the stoops.
Widen browser window to get best image.

143 6th St 1998

After 1999 Picture.
New stock porch posts. Sawn balusters and post brackets are still original.
Stoop railings improved.
Waisting under the porch replaced with modern stock lattice.
Good picture of the "spear" between the window pair. It was later replaced. 518 First is missing this.
Slate cap on chimney added.
Built-in gutters covered over, and new gutters added.
Widen browser window to get best image.

143 6th St 1980s

2016 Pictures. Pictures from Zillow (which also has interior pictures).
The balusters were replaced in 2014. The side stoop was removed.
The "spear" between the window pair has been replaced.

143 6th St 1

143 6th St 2

143 6th St 3

The one-story extension in the back was the first addition. There is now an even larger addition behind this extension.
143 6th St 4